MSJ : Majority Science Journal
MSJ : Majority Science Journal is a scientific journal that is published periodically every 3 months which contains various scientific articles as a result of research. MJS is a multidisciplinary journal published by PT Hafasy Dwi Nawasena in collaboration with several lecturers to contribute to scientific research. This publication aims to disseminate research results in journal form.
Journal title : MSJ: Majority Science Journal Initials : MSJ Frequency : Februari, Mei, Agustus, November (Setiap 4 Bulan Sekali) DOI : 10.61942 ISSN Online : 3025-1990 Editor in Chief : Dr. I Made Darsana, S.E.M.M Managing Editor : Intan Juniarmi S.Pd Assistant Editor : Rosmaria, S.S Publisher : PT. Hafasy Dwi Nawasena -
Oikonomia : Journal of Management Economics and Accounting
Oikonomia : Journal of Management Economics and Accounting is a reputable scholarly publication dedicated to advancing the understanding and knowledge in the fields of management, economics, and accounting. This interdisciplinary journal serves as a platform for researchers, academics, and practitioners to contribute and disseminate high-quality research findings, innovative theories, and practical insights.
Journal title : Oikonomia : Journal of Management Economics and Accounting Initials : Oikonomia Frequency : 4 (Four) times a year (December, February, May, August) DOI : 10.61942/oikonomia ISSN Online : 3047-602X Editor in Chief : Ronald N Girsang,SE., M.S.Ak Managing Editor : Nurul Fadhilah Assistant Editor : Dwi Siyamsih, S.E Publisher : PT. Hafasy Dwi Nawasena -
JHK : Jurnal Hukum dan Keadilan
JHK : Jurnal Hukum dan Keadilan is an academic publication that specifically focuses on issues of law, legislation, and principles of justice in the context of a country's legal system or in a global setting. The journal aims to encourage discussion, research and a better understanding of how law affects social, economic, political and cultural life, and how justice can be achieved through the legal system.
Journal title : JHK : Jurnal Hukum dan Keadilan Initials : JHK Frequency : February, April, June, Agustus, Oktober, December
DOI : 10.61942 ISSN Online : 3031-6782 Editor in Chief : Angga A.G, S.H., M.H Managing Editor : Agus Rahmad S.H, M.KN Assistant Editor : Fitri Arianti Saputri, S.H Publisher : PT. Hafasy Dwi Nawasena